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The Waco---Six
An Airplane of Today

* The definition of a 'good' airplane is of necessity a very flexible classification due to the diversified uses to which aircraft are being put by the increasing number of users. However, among civilian pilots there has come to be a more or less general agreement as to the qualifications a university usable airplane should possess. The demand is for increased performance with larger loads, comfortable accessible seats for passengers, and an economical cost of operation.

* Attempts to fulfill these conflicting demands have been made by many who seek to increase performance by the mere addition of power, only to find the cost of operation greatly increased, and, although the passenger capacity is increased, the small inaccessible passenger compartment still remain.

* Realizing that most airplanes in use were of obsolete design, some designers have attempted to solve the difficulty by the design of new planes which, though probably theoretically ideal, did not possess sufficient rugged detail design or accessibility to be really practical.

* It is conceded that a commercial airplane must be designed from the ground up, yet it must necessarily be a compromise between that which is ideal theoretically, and that which has been proven necessary through years of practical experience. Aside from the general design careful attention must be given to such details as tall skid, radiator mounting, landing gear struts and fittings, and a host of other parts that, in the past, have proven themselves permanently serviceable.

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