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Details of the Waco---Six
Main Planes

[[Paragraph 1]]
The main cellule is made up of a center section and four interchangeable panels of equal size. The bracing is by means of but twelve main lift and weight cables and eight stream line spruce struts. This reduction in the number of necessary parts is due to the single-bay bracing feature made possible by the use of a moderately thick, high-lift wing curve, which permits of deep, light spars and a minimum of wing surface. The resulting reduction in weight, resistance, and over-all dimensions serves to increase performance as well as to reduce housing difficulties; the spread of thirty feet being unusually small for a commercial airplane.

[[Paragraph 2]]
The spars of the main panels are of spruce, router I section where possible and left rectangular where struts and fastenings impost the greatest stress. The outer ends round and taper into efficient, pleasing curves. The wing ribs are of the Pratt truss type accurately formed of spruce battens and struts, joined with three ply mahogany gussets. Adequate internal bracing struts and wires preserve the truth of the wings and broad three ply side walks extend to the trailing edge of both lowers. The same type of construction is used in the four interchangeable ailerons, which are actuated by a simple, direct control of proven merit.

[[Paragraph 3]]
The wings and ailerons are spar varnished before covering and metal fitting enameled. In addition to the usual doped and varnished covering a coating of special aluminum spar varnish is applied which adds materially to both the appearance and life of the wing covers, excluding, as it does, the dope-deteriorating effect of the sun's rays.

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