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applied to the specimens [[strikethrough]] concerned [[/strikethrough]]. I think I may say that there is no collection affording greater facilities for the scientific use of the material it contains.

[[strikethrough]] Unfortunately our library is extremely defective is lacking in [[/strikethrough]] lacks [[strikethrough]] many of the most important works on conchology and several of  those which we possess for want of binding are practically inaccessible.  Without the private library of the Curator very little could be done: and many of the [[/strikethrough]] 

Unfortunately too many of the more important recent [[strikethrough]] conchological [[/strikethrough]] works are inaccessible in any of the libraries of this city. I may call attention here to the fact that many of the conchological publications of the Smithsonian are practically out of print, and that every few days applications are made, in the vain hope of obtaining them, by students in various