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Doris Blake - 2

will not have to worry about that.  The one man who has dated her since she has been up there, a Law Student that  she met at a Joly-Up, took her to a club and offered her a drink which she wouldn't touch, and hen he wanted to kiss her good-night she laughed in his face, upsetting his romantic notions.  She that she wouldn't go out with him again.

     You can rely on her and trust her and she will take responsibilities.  Because she has had us look after her all her life she is apt to be forgetful about looking after her property, losing things, forgetting appointments, and such.  But I think most girls are.

     I hope you have some inkling from this of what she is like.  I am sure she will get along well.  Her lettees are so brimful of happiness and busyness.
