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a good vocabulary of idioms, and, furthermore blunder all about in our style. "That's what I'm here for" he exclaims brightly in French as he hands back our papers. "Je veux que vous vous serviez du français élégant."

History is very good (although the lecturer is never inspiring, he is clear, and careful not to be prejudiced in any way); but to grasp it all is another matter. 

Biology still seems easiest. Mr. Welch, in straightening us out as to what the month's test would be on (not only lectures, but reading - lab) quoted his own facetious remark to a student: "I don't believe you could be tested on what I tell you."

Norma has her teeth now! Told her I'd get the [[mu?]] book next week. Mabel is in Boston today; on Nov. 5 her mother is going to the hospital for observation, after which there may be an operation. She has been steadily growing feebler for some time. I'll stop in and see Mabel on the way to the bus stop.

Mrs. B. has been especially ingratiating; I think she [[strikethrough]] wants [[/strikethrough]] has reasons. Well, I must go now, 


P.S. How's your heel, Dad? 
Are the tomatoes all gone? Tell me more about the place as you do in your letters to Grandma. And don't worry, I never drank a drop and never shall.