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over, Sophy said, and she regretted so much she hadn't had the courage to slip some of it in her bag. Dad did too. He discovered some tiny biscuit filled with chipped ham and relishes that he doted on. The place was crowded with what Barber called " high monkey monks", - very famous and fat and homely scientists and their fatter, homelier wives. But we had a great time talking to people we knew. Dad knew many of them, and I many others, so we chatted and shook hands continuously all the evening, and didn't get to bed till midnight and after wards were so excited we lay and talked till I don't know when. Dad had a nice time, and as Sophy said, wished it could happen once a month, especially the eats. But 100th year celebrations don't come once a month and we shall never live to see another.
I suppose you will be in Stoughton this weekend. Do write us more often, and tell us about yourself. What do you wear these days? How much can you wash out there at college - surely not your towels? I think maybe there is some solvent for that ink spot. Try boiling it. That was a fine linen towel, too.
I have borrowed Tillie's ink well, so must run back with it now.