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Nat. Museum, Wash, DC.
17 Oct 1946.

Dear Doris:

I suppose this is the weekend you stay in Cambridge? But you will probably enjoy it for a change and get caught up on a lot of things. Do you have composition regularly for your English now? You haven't mentioned what you get from it, what sort of criticism. Our prof. used to read some aloud in class making all manner of sport out of them so even the victims had to laugh. It was perfectly brutal, but we all survived.

Do you have any instruction in the swimming or is it just an hour's exercise? How many are in the class? and where do you get your suit? Is the pool as large as that at the Y.W.? I don't think much of pool swimming from a health standpoint but I suppose you Radcliffe girls are all pure and unadulterated?

We had Fred out to dinner last evening & later went to the Palaeontological meeting where all the men (scientists) that went to Bikini talked & showed pictures. The room was quite crowded and as usual I grew [[strikethrough]] from [[/strikethrough]] ^[[very]] drowsy, altho it was interesting enough. After it was over we took Julia & the Vaughns and Fred part of their way home. We didn't get to bed till nearly midnight.

Yesterday on my way home I met Mrs Dickson, Evelyn's mother. She said Alan and Jimmy are both going to Virg. Polytech. Institute, the former taking the engineering course, and Jimmy taking up architecture. He has that artistic streak you know. Evelyn is majoring in physical ^[[culture]] sports etc. She doesn't want to teach, tho. She has 2 room mates, has had ever since she [[strikethrough]] enj [[/strikethrough]] entered.