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would get a bushel together and divide them up. There ought to be wholesale markets about Boston that would deliver a bushel of apples for you.

I called up Dolores to find out how she was, but she has gone to church this evening. She didn't catch cold from her swim last Sunday and her brother said she seemed to be getting along all right.

The old cat is on a hunger strike. No meat of course down here, and I couldn't find any fish less than 45ยข a lb. so took a dog & cat frozen food, and he wouldn't look at it. This afternoon on the way home we passed a new pet shop just opposite the end of the Key Bridge in D.C. and it said "Horse Meat," so Dad let me off and I ran in. It was the most fascinating store, - all aquaria full of little tropical fishes, cages of birds, - parrots, love birds, queer crow like birds, little finches and canaries. - a wonderful shop. I got the horse meat & now the old cat is content again.

Have just washed my hair, have a fire tonight to dry it. Do you have any difficulties that way? Do learn how to spell Agassiz. I should think you wouldn't need a shampoo with swimming twice a week. Do you have any other indoor exercises later in the season when sports are over? Do you wear your wooden shoes there?

I won't read what mother has written yet, as it might cramp my style. We drove to Liverpool Pt. today with Helen Leonard & her family. The place was never barer of fossils. Stopped at the Uphams' on the way back but didn't get any sweet potatoes. The cat has broken his hunger strike by eating some horse meat we got in a pet shop in Georgetown. It is a great relief not to have a botany class, and still more not to have a Russian class. Had my heel cut open yesterday and hope it will heal up for good now. There was a little serum in it. We built our first furnace fire today. No more room. Love, Dad