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Longfellow Hall
Alumni Lecture Hall
October 11, 1946

Dear folks,

Just waiting for History class to begin. Do we have assignments! For Monday we must read: 3 chapters of 30, 10, and 40 pages; a little book on the life of Charlemagne. Up to now I have only read the first chapter. It's very interesting, and I take much too long to read it.

A hurricane! Did it hit you very hard? We are still having Indian summer. I never saw such swamp maples, and the birches are coming along. Driving out from Stoughton, I couldn't unglue my eyes from the scenery. It's lucky I go to the end of all my routes.

Well, History is over. Mr. Pelmont is certainly spruce, [[strikethrough]] in [[/strikethrough]] he smells of - this is as far as I had gotten when Mr. P. began to illustrate the sort of paper we should use for homework; picking up my letter he waved it before the class and took a look ... not too close, I hope. I fairly snatched it when he was through.

I didn't tell you - after I got home from Grandma's Sunday night at 6:30, I neglected to sign in - and Miss Gerrish rung me up at 3:15 the next morning to see if I was in! (Notice, I said neglected.) Got a week-end of social pro - that means the week-end after next I have to stay here & be in my floor by 8:00 every night of it.