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I don't know about [[strikethrough]] Eng. [[/strikethrough]] German and Physics results - no notice. Nor swimming test. In lab we dissected the muscles of a frog's hind leg & had the first easy test I've had here. We have two young lab assistants.

Hair washing is simple - in the basin; I suffocate in the clothes room - a small, closed, and heated room strung with wires and racks and hung with hangers - [[strikethrough]] to [[/strikethrough]] for fast drying.

Not in sweaters - skirts permanently yet.

I wash every morning.

No time for radio; you can.

No time for me to join the "assembly" in the smoker. However, I do run in after completing some work & after dinner to read a little & listen to conversations. The chairs there are wonderful - they [[strikethrough]] heave a bre [[/strikethrough]] exhale as you sink into them.

I saw ? Kidder today. Said he'd be seeing me which is very indefinite. But I haven't time for anything but homework now.

Is Fred [[strikethrough]] an [[/strikethrough]] improved at all? Has he set all Grace's effects in order?

Everything arrived, Dad. But the apples are practically gone; so are my raisins. So I bought some gum today. It is much cheaper. Spread not here yet.

Check I got cashed in 2 minutes. Spent $5.75 right off for class dues & school paper - all compulsory.

Well, à bientôt.
Love, Doris