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Met Helen Bullock on the way up from the bus. She was walking about with her crutches - can go quite away outside. She says her sister (from La.) bought a home on 17th St. in Arlington.

Called up both Norma & Mabel today. Mabel is so busy that she had an attack of "nerves" - has to go to bed around 8. Never thought I'd see the day! She plays hockey every afternoon for over and hour, is leading (with 2 other girls) the Young People's in Church, & has just sent off her application for training at Mass. General. If she can pass College Boards they give every year and raise her marks above a C she feels that she will be able to get in. She would have had a B average if it hadn't been for those tests last year. Norma is [[strikethrough]] well [[/strikethrough]] nursing a sprain. She would like to have me get a copy of "56 songs you like to play" for her & pay for it. But I think it would be a good X-mas-in-advance present. Do you think you could get one there?

Mrs. Barry hasn't been able to [[strikethrough]] get [[/strikethrough]] buy any meat for almost a week. "It saps people's vitality," she says, "and their tempers too." She tells how her rich cousin refuses to buy at the black market & how Mrs. O'Hara bought $16 there last week "And I [[strikethrough]] wouldn't [[/strikethrough]] don't blame her." But she evidently doesn't know where Grandma's money is coming from, so she is very economical. But she has been doing the best she can. I ate not 1 but 2 slices of chocolate cake. (Don't tell Dolores.)

I must run "home" to Cambridge now. Might go out this evening to a Unitarian [[strikethrough]] Chur [[/strikethrough]] young peoples' meeting they have been sending me invitations to.