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Nat. Museum, Wash DC.
10 Oct 1946

Dear Doris:

We had a narrow escape this morning. In fact the whole neighborhood did. If we had had our furnace fire going it is likely we and the house and the Douglases and Bryans might have been blown sky high.  When we awoke I smelt gas, and said so to Dad. We opened our bedroom door and met a great whiff of it that grew stronger as we went down to the cellar. The cat & fish hadn't succumbed, but we lugged the aquarium out doors & opened up everything and about 7 AM the gas man arrived and turned it off.   So we locked up and came down to breakfast at the Dept. We left the key with Bobbies mother and trust it will be fixed tonight.

We brought Mr Bryan to town as he was just starting off. He now works in the State Dept. He said Billy was on Luzon Is. now, had been there for sometime. He reenlisted last Dec. and expects to be out this Dec. and for this year's service he will have free schooling. He intends to enter the Univ. of Virginia Forestry school and train to be a forester.

Last evening we dined with Fred & Julia at the Art Club and Julia was telling us about that young chap that we took out with us on one trip to Chesapeake Bay, the Pepsi Cola scholarship boy who was so interested in palaeontology.  He had spent 1 year at Yale and because it was his 1st experience away from home and all he got in with a certain set who were a bit wild. Here Julia passed it over very quickly, and didn't explain much.  Anyhow when he returned last summer to Wash he was in a bad state and told his folks if he couldn't get away, he would