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"go nuts". So he went off and enlisted. Just a few days ago they received word he had disappeared and then that his body had been found. Do you recall how rather odd and unbalanced he seemed with us that day? Only intent upon one thing? But isn't it a pity? If someone could only have sensed his immature adolescent problems in time. He was of that Germanic stock tho, so prone to melancholy.

I enclose a picture of Dolores. When we wanted to snap her, she said, "Oh no," and then Sophy said, "To send to Doris", and Dolores right away acquiesced. I'll give her a picture too. I am sending 2 others to my mother and you can see them at Stoughton. I'll get some that Sophy took when they are printed & send to you.

Now, do send us a letter often. I have been writing here only a few minutes while the niggers were cleaning around my desk (We are to have Open House at the Museum the 23rd with refreshments, speakers and everything. They expect a great gathering - it is to observe the 100th year). You ought to be able to seize a few minutes while waiting to write too. Did you buy your slippers?

Love, Mother.