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Arlington, Va.
8 Oct 1946

Dear Doris:

We are sitting here with the tail of the hurricane beginning to lash outside our windows. Dad has just been out to put a covering over the engine under the hood so as not to be waterlogged tomorrow morning and reports the rain has started.  It will mean the end of our fine Indian summer. Yesterday was hot Sunday was perfect, with wonderful water for swimming. I think we all had a little sunburn.

Now I am longing to hear about whether you passed your English, and what you got in Physics and German exams. And whether you have had swimming tests and what is your Biology like and what you have in lab work. How often do you get your head washed? Do you wear your sweater and skirt or suit or light clothes still? Can you wash out your undies every night? Are radios allowed evenings? Do you girls assemble evenings to talk? Have you gotten any chum to go about with at all? Have you seen your young man again?

We are going to dine with Fred S. and Julia at the Art Club tomorrow night. He returned the Monday after we did. Today Helen Leonard came down to lunch with me, up at the Supreme Court. She was anxious to see & hear the chief justices again particularly the one that had presided in the German prison trial. But when we got there the court wasn't sitting. Another time.

Now I will let Dad write. It has taken me just 8 min. to scribble this. couldn't you spare us 15 minutes every other day? Mother.