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Here comes Sophy, her hair hanging all about her face. She will write a word:

Yes, it certainly is - like a Medusa! We have been in enjoying the water so much. Even tho it is Oct. it seems as warm as the water in the middle of July in conn. I picked up an eel, thinking it was a stick. I grabbed it in a way to make sure the "stick" wouldn't float away, and was certainly surprised when it turned out to be what it was.

We missed you today and decided to take some pictures to make you homesick (but we doubt whether you can be very much with all those Harvard men around). We took glamorous poses of your mother and Delores. We hope you enjoy them.

Well, I guess I've used up my share of space, so Delores (who just disappeared to the car to get some lipstick) will continue from here.

Rosalina Rivera, I work in paleontology in the National Museum under Miss Gardner. I am from Peru and to day I make a trip with your father, mother and two nice friends more. I would like to know you. You may see my picture when I send them. Good luck for you.

Yours new friend

Dear Doris: We all had a good day & hope you had the same & that you got out to see grandma. I gave up my botany class because there were only 6 in it. Hope we get a little more mail from you this week. Last week we had only 1 letter, that on Monday. Love, SFB