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#36 Radcliffe
Cambridge, Mass.
September, err Oct. 3

Dear folks, 

Hello there!

I found a little note in my box yesterday informing me that there was a package arrived. My room has turned from a quiet sanctuary into a more social place. The apples certainly are "delicious". I have consumed almost half a box of raisins in three days so far. As they serve no dried fruit or prunes except for the raisins in the sweet bread (buns with spices and sugar frosting or brown bread with nuts are theur specialties) I feel justified.

Money! I am reduced to $2.10 with one French book still to buy! The wool, slacks, and sweater came through well. Many girls wear them in the dormitories. I wore them to the corner for a cone last night after supper myself. Afraid I won't have time for much knitting, though. Scheduled for Monday is a terrific History test on over [[strikethrough]] 100 [[/strikethrough]] 150 pages which I haven't finished yet and not reviewed. Friday afternoon is a Harvard tea; I really must go home this weekend. It will take much energy and time, but will be a change. As there are only 24 people who braved the Wednesday theme, I [[strikethrough]] also [[/strikethrough]] have a 1000 [[strikethrough]] theme [[/strikethrough]] word composition also.

Would you please send up a bra and the spread too?

My cold is all over; it went out in a storm, I'm not kidding; Monday morning I rushed out at ten minutes before History class. The sky was threatening, but--posh--it wouldn't rain--or so I thought--before I had completed my race to class. I had only my raincoat and blue cap when the deluge hit. That raincoat admits [[strikethrough]] of [[/strikethrough]] rain in several places. My new notebook [[strikethrough]] still [[/strikethrough]] has a permanent crick in its back. My shoes and socks, neck and dress front were soaked all morning. Luckily it was a warm rain. But the professor's cheery remarks: "Why don't you take off your shoes and just wade?" were not well appreciated. (Not my professor)

Waited on tables Monday night. I changed from impossible Friday noon to then. It takes about an hour, not counting the time you spend eating. You feel quite ready to go to bed afterwards. Please pardon my punctuation as I have very little time to write. Well, more tomorrow.
Nightie, Doris.


The day is over at last. We had our history test, a map to do, two men to identify, and an essay question--all to be done in twenty minutes. The map I believe was O.K. The men I knew but wasn't sure of their dates. There was a choice of two essay questions; but by that time I was so [[strikethrough]] bewildered [[/strikethrough]] flustered that I did both of them--very ineffectively. The section teacher comforted us by saying that quite a few people usually did poorly on their first quizzes.

The English theme deserved its "C". He made one mistake in sizing it up, however--I was not trying to imitate Edgar Allen Poe. As for the next one that is due Wednesday, I have no ideas whatsoever.