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Arlington, Va.
29 Sept 1946.

Dear Doris:

I hope you have had a good week end. Here it has been rather rainy and dampish. Yesterday we took Helen and her husband up to [[?]] where we had baked beans and apple pie and some other things and talked. There were several others up there and we enjoyed a pleasant little afternoon. [[?]] had gone shopping. Today we were going to the beach with Dolores, Sophy and a S.A. student at the museum, but the morning was so dampish that we called it off. Sophy was very disappointed, I believe she would have gone even in the rain. But we told them that we would go next week end if it is pleasant. Dolores was very tired after working till 7 every night this week. She said she got B in Psychology and was quite elated.

This afternoon the sun came out somewhat and we took the Evans and their 3 little girls up to Point of Rocks. This is about 40 miles up