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#36 Cabot Hall
Radcliffe College,
September 28, 1946

Dear folks,

Guess I will have time to write after all--the cold has developed into a regular sneezer and although I had a very minute fever this morning promises to be over by Monday. I wrote Grandma that I wouldn't be home this week-end. Guess the house is all right. I will not go to Biology class today, but will stay inmy room most of the weekend. Mrs. Gerrish called the health center to report and gave me asperin. I had a buillon [[strikethrough]] cpub [[/strikethrough]] cube and two wafers last night and also this morning and nothing else. [[strikethrough]] D[[/strikethrough]] Patti Dunham, the Junior down the hall of whom I spoke before will pick up some grapes today. She is from Wellesley, Mass.--medium height, bright blond, pretty, and very thoughtful. She is taking counterpoint--musical composition-- and government.

Have not been te rifically extravagant. A girl lent me her $5 dollar history book(1st term) when I was unable to find one second-hand. Perhaps I can pick one up cheap at the end of the term if the book seems worth keeping. Had to buy four French books new; the two I have so far cost $2.78 together and are quite small:French One-Act Plays of Today and Spoken French for Students and Travellers, in which we have [[strikethrough]] our [[/strikethrough]] as our first assignment the first ten lessons reading for example in the difficult phraseology of: "Bonjour, Monsieur." "Parlez-vous francais?"

The only other book I have to buy so far is the Biology manuel. The book itself cost with the kit for lab. $8.52. The manuel will cost about $3.00. I got some notebooks expecially for Biology and History--good permanent one for the latter--, a house key($1.00), an icecream cone,  blotters , a hair net for serving on tables, Kleenex--just in time--and a great extravagence--a tiny black plastic purse for night use--very cute--for [[strike]] .69 [[/strike]] $.60. Altogether I have spent enough to leave me down to a grand sum of [[strikethrough]] SO [[/strikethrough]] $9.82. Enough for the financial side.

I'm glad you had a chance to read that Red Book. Do you still want to get the others? I haven't had time to try yet for them. Got my schedule for Gym changed so that I swim only on Tue and Thur at [[strikethrough]] Q [[/strikethrough]] 12:15-1:00, and (Ihope; Bio lab on Thur afternoon [[strikethrough]] at- [[/strikethrough]] from 2 to 5. Then I will have Friday afternoon to attend the concert.

It costs 90ยข to bring someone to a meal here. I haven't had time to see any of the people yet, but expect to when [[strikethrough]] 88 [[/strikethrough]] I go over for Biology at the Biological Lab. just back of the University Museum.

Last Sunday I attended the services at the Harvard Memorial church. It certainly was a contrast from Va. churches. I wish I could go to more of them. The all-Harvard choir is marvelous.

My big sister, Barbara Goodell from Urbana, Ill., took me out to dinner at the O. G. (Oxford Grille) on Monday. We had broiled haddock, potatoes, spinach, and pinapple pie. She is majoring in Gov. and taking Political Science this year as well as being in the Glee Club. The place was what Mel Milligan would have called the "black hole of Calcutta", and full of students and smoke. She lives in Barnard, the hall