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I am virtually sure Kidder is German.  Haven't heard from him yet while the other girls seem to be getting about ten calls a night (at least when I'm trying to get to sleep). My clothes were all right.

I will appreciate the stockings, although we don't wear them except when we have to--Sunday and formal teas.

I'm glad you'll be going out painting.  Everybody admires our paintings.

Try to be in bed regularly by ten every night.

Thanks for naming the tree, Dad.  It didnVt quite look like a holly, I guess.  The fish are doing well.

I hope the meat situation isn't as bad as all that!

Bet the cat is sorry to be away from Mass.

It will be just as well if you can stay at home and not teach.  Mother hopes you will not engage in Russian battles again.  Perhaps you will have a restful winter.

Well, I have barrels of homework to take advantage of while I am recuperating, so--

