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North Pole
24 Dec. 1944

Dear Doris:

It is a long, long time since I had a letter from you. Santa and I [[strikethrough]] would [[/strikethrough]] were looking thru our record books today, and we ran across your name. Santa is very busy, but he asked me to write you a note. The Xmas toy business has been very difficult of late, with so many inferior substitutes and the difficulty in obtaining priorities. Would you believe it, we have had to give up making candy canes entirely - in fact, all the good old hard candy is out, [[strikethrough]] all [[/strikethrough]] Almost no sleds, and no skates. Metal goods of all sorts of very scarce. Santa was very anxious to find a reel for you, but he didn't have a single one in stock. He promised to find one for you if he could in the toys that were returned to him for one reason or another. Pluto is a pretty old dog now, but he is still fairly lively. He sends his best regards, and so does the trained seal. Santa & I send our best also.

Your old friend,
Micky M.