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Dear Doris:  I handed the health exam slip together with the sheet you made out to the woman at the inform. desk at the Y.W. the 21st of June last Thurs. and suppose they still have it. Hope all is settled now about it. Glad you are having good meals + swims. We were at Mr. Weisz's last night, he cooked a Hungarian dinner for us himself. He spoke of you. His wife's sister and baby were there; we ate outdoors. It was very pretty and we stayed until 9:30 talking + watching the fire flies. I have been painting today and had a chat with Mrs von Huhn who went with me to seee Doris Cochran's exhibit of paintings at the City Club. Hope you are learning to swim and enjoying your cabin and not getting too tired. Daddy says it is lonesome here without you. One of your zinnias has bloomed - the first. Mice are O.K.     Love, Mother