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anyone with any knowledge of local plants, but at the ? ? the 

professor coldly stated, "I do not know any of the common plants", and he threw a Gray's Manual at us. Youth rebounds from disappointments, and I was soon as enthusiastic over early English and Philology as [[infact]] there was a fairly learned and enthusiastic teacher.

But it was at this time that the conflict within me shared by our students of my [[compassions/comparisons?]] [[ ? to ? ]]. Noondays as we ? ? sat eating our sandwiches on the ? fire escape stairs off the locker room, we used to discuss what possible good college could be to us in the future. Most of the girls were grinding away on deadly Latin prose composition and French grammar courses to prepare themselves for teaching. I hated such courses and even with starvation ahead of me, as far as school teaching went, avoided them all, and plunged into the impractical philology and Latin philosophy courses; taking what interested me and choosing the teachers from which I drew inspiration. To all you students who may be going thru similar mental struggles, I tell you that I have [[also been ?]] thankful followed my own dreams.

If you are going to college simply to fit yourself to earn a living, college will not be much more to you than a mental gymnasium, but if you are going to gain a little glimpse here and there of what lies beyond the ordinary what kind beyond the ordinary day routine, follow the trail of your own heart's interest, and let the morrow take care of itself.

Even if you are a woman, and with a woman's future, [[this]] happiness should not be denied.

Transcription Notes:
? = missing word [[ ]] = probably correct [[word?]] = unsure