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This Indenture made this 24th day of December 1868 between Gardieu Lacombe Supt. M. and B. M. D.C of Washington D.C. and Ephriam Burnett of the same place, Witnesseth. That the said Ephriam Burnett, for and in consideration of the sum of Four hundred (400) dollars, agrees to paint the South Ward of Freedmen's Hospital, inside and outside - Three coats, including roof, such color as the Bureau may direct, - all Material to be furnished by the Bureau #

Executed in the city of Washington D.C. this 24" day of December 1868

G. Lacombe
Supt. M. and B. M. D.C.

# to be inspected by an officer of this Bureau to be designated by the Commissioner - and when accepted verified by him account to be settled as above