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Washington Dec. 24" 1868.
Maj. Genl. O. O. Howard
Comr Bureau Ref &e.

Dr Sir
I have the honor to request, if consistent, that you will permit the bearer, Harrisson Harris to purchase from you a Horse and cart, on as favorable terms as may be. If correctly informed, some are now being sold, by the Commissioner.

H. Harris has been a most faithful Messenger & man — in our Office for two years past — is temperate and saving — and is trying to earn enough to secure a little home for himself and family. I know him to be worthy of consideration and hope you can favor him with a few minutes on the subject.

Very Resp'ly
Your Obt. Svt.
J. S. Griffing
Special Agt Bureau Ref. &c.

Transcription Notes:
Thanks to the person who always patches up my work.