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L 19, page 305

Howards Grove Hospital
Richmond Va.  July 2nd 1869

De Lamater, J.J.
Surg. in Charge.

States that the necessary blanks for the preparation of Q.M. Returns have not as yet been received and asks that some may be forw'd at earliest convenience.

RECEIVED * A & D. OFFICE D.C. * JUL 3 1869
RECEIVED BU R.F. & A.L. C.Q.M. JUL 2 1869

E.B.858  Vol. 1, 1869

War Dept BRF&AL,
Office Chf Qr Master
Washington  July 3 '69

Respectfully referred to Bt. Lt. Col. J.M. Brown, D.O. &c. - who will please forward to Dr De Lamater a three month's supply of blank forms to enable him to make his property returns, provided that they have not already been forwarded.

By command of
Bvt Maj Genl O.O. Howard
Henry M Whittelsey