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and laborers; also fix, allow and order paid their salaries and wages. 
4. To maintain all the schools established by them, for an equal length of time during the year, with equal rights and privileges. 
5. To make and enforce rules and regulations, not in conflict with the general regulations of the State Board of Education for the government of schools, pupils and teachers.
6. To provide and order paid for, out of the Township school moneys, school furniture, apparatus and such other articles, materials or supplies as may be necessary for school use, or for the use of the Committee. 
7. To rent, furnish, and repair school houses. 
8. To build school houses, when directed by a vote of the Town or by an order of the County Commissioners: Provided, That the Committee shall not in any case build a stone or brick school house upon any site for which they have not a title in fee, also they shall not in any case build a frame school house on any site for which they have not a title in fee, without securing the privilege of moving said school house when lawfully directed so to do: Provided further, That the location, plan and estimate for any proposed school house be approved by the Superintendent of Public Instruction and the Board of Education; and in all plans regard shall be had to taste, convenience, durability and economy. 
9. To require the series of text books, adopted by order of the State Board of Education, to be used exclusively in their schools.
10. To require every teacher to keep a State School Register.
11. To enforce in each school the course of study, adopted and prescribed by the Board of Education.

SEC. 23. The Committee shall not receive into their hands any of the funds set apart for public schools; but whenever it shall become necessary for them to incur any expense in the purchase of land for erection of any school building, or


for other lawful purposes, the Committee shall make an account of the expense and draw om the County Treasurer for the same; which account shall accompany the draft, and when approved by the County Commissioners, shall be paid by the County Treasurer: Provided, That the Township shall have in the hands of the County Treasurer a sum sufficient to meet the same.

SEC. 24. The Committee shall visit each school under their care at least twice each term for examination and thorough inspection.

SEC. 25. In case any Township, at an annual meeting, shall fail to provide for schools to be taught at least four months for that year, and to provide for fuel, and to make any other provisions necessary for the efficiency and success of the schools, the School Committee shall immediately forward to the County Commissioners an estimate of the necessary expenses, and a tax, equal to the amount of such estimate, shall be levied on the Township by the County Commissioners at the same time that the County taxes are levied, and the School Committee, under the direction of the County Commissioners, shall provide whatever shall be necessary for the schools for four months, and pay all expenses for the same out of the funds raised by the tax to be levied or provided in this section.

SEC. 26. The Committee shall hire for, and in the name of, the Township such teachers as may have been approved as qualified according to law, and shall make with such teachers a written contract specifying the time for which the teachers to be employed, the wages paid per month, and other agreement witnessed unto by the contracting parties; and shall furnish the teacher with a duplicate of such contract, and the original shall be kept on file in the office of the Clerk of the Township.

SEC. 27. The Committee shall give orders on the Treasurer for the payment of wages due teachers, and every such order shall state the services or consideration for which the order is drawn, and the name of the person rendering such service. 

SEC. 28. The Committee shall annually report to the Town[[ship]]