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[[Town]]ship the number of schools within their jurisdiction; the number and condition of school houses; the length of time the schools have been taught during the year; the number of male and female teachers, the names and salary per month;
the whole number of youth between six and twenty-one years of age actually resident in the Township, according to the latest enumeration made for school purposes; the number of scholars who attend school during the year, and the average daily attendance, distinguishing between males and females; amount paid to teachers, amount paid for the rent, repair and improvement of school houses and the buildings and grounds pertaining thereto, including fixtures and furniture, and the expense of cleaning and taking care of the same; the amount paid for fuel; the amount for other school purposes; total expenditures for the year; titles of text books used, value and kind of apparatus; number of volumes in school libraries and their value; with such explanations, remarks and additional information as the said Committee may deem useful. Said report shall be read in open annual Township or municipal meeting, and within ten days thereafter, the Committee shall forward an attested copy thereof to the County Commissioners, and to the Superintendent of Public Instruction. 

SEC. 29. Each School Committee of every County shall annually make an estimate of the amount of money necessary to be expended in their jurisdiction for purchasing school house sites for erecting, renting, repairing and furnishing school houses, for wages of teachers, for fuel or for any other necessary purpose connected with the support of the public schools in said jurisdiction, for a period of not less than four months in each year; and a certified report of said estimate shall be made to the Trustees of the Township and to the County Commissioners, ten days before the time for holding the annual or Township meeting each year.

SEC. 30. It shall be the duty of each School Committee to make settlement with the County Treasurer at their regular meetings in September annually; but if, for want of time or 


other reason, a settlement cannot be made at said session, then it shall be the duty of the Committee to appoint a Sub-Committee, composed of one or more of their own number, to make such settlement as soon as practicable, and report the result to the Clerk of the Committee, who shall enter an abstract thereof in the records of the Committee.

SEC. 31. The School Committee of any Township are authorized to make arrangements with the Committee of any adjacent Township for the attendance of such children as will be better accommodated in the public schools of such adjacent Township, and to pay such a portion of the expense of said schools as shall be agreed on, or as may be just and proper.

SEC. 32. It shall be the duty of the School Committee to take, in the month of June, an exact census of all children and youth between the ages of six and twenty-one years. In their returns they shall distinguish between males and females, and between white and colored: they shall take specifically and separately a census of all Indian children between the aforesaid ages, especially of those who live under the guardianship of white persons, with the names of such guardians. All children who may be absent from home attending colleges, boarding schools, and any private or public seminary of learning, shall be included by the Committee in the census list of the Township in which their parents or guardians reside, and shall not be taken by the School Committee of the locality where they may be attending such private institutions of learning. The Committee shall further report such other statistics as may be required by the Superintendent of Public Instruction, or Township Committees; they shall make a full and sworn return thereof on the blanks furnished for that purpose to the County Examiner, on or before the first day of July next after their appointment, and deliver a copy to the School Committee of the Township.

SEC. 33. The County Commissioners of each County re[[spectively]]