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[[re]]spectively shall, as soon as practicable after the passage of this act, and biennially thereafter, on or before the fourth day of March, appoint some person, resident of the County, of good moral character and of suitable attainments, to be styled "County Examiner," who shall hold his office for two years and until his successor shall have been duly commissioned and qualified.

SEC. 34. In case the County Commissioner of any County shall fail to make the appointment of County Examiner, as provided in section thirty-three, the State Superintendent of Public Instruction shall nominate, and the State Board of Education shall make the appointment for the delinquent County.

SEC. 35. The County Commissioners shall allow the County Examiner a sum, not to exceed three dollars per day for each day of actual service, to be paid by the County Treasurer, out of the school fund, upon the order of the Commissioners, said service to be determined by the County Commissioners.

SEC. 36. The County Examiner shall have power, and it shall be his duty:
1. To examine all who may apply for employment as teachers in his County: of the place and time of holding such examination, he shall give notice by advertising in some newspaper, which is either published or has general circulation in the County, or by written posters; he shall also send such notice to each Township School Committee of the County at least twenty days before the day appointed for examination. The said examination shall be conducted according to rules and regulations prescribed by the Superintendent of Public Instruction and the State Board of Education.
2. To keep a record of the name and residence of every candidate; to revoke the certificate of any incompetent or unworthy teacher, and report forthwith the said action to the County Commissioners and the Superintendent of Public Instruction. 
3. To report forthwith to the County Commissioners and 


School Committees of the County, also to the State Superintendent of Public Instruction the name and residence of every candidate who has received a certificate of approbation. 
4. To report to the Superintendent of Public Instruction annually, on or before the first day of October for the school year next preceding, such statistics as may be required by him, or by the State Board of Education. 
5. To enforce the course of study as far as practicable, as provided for in section forty. 
6. To enforce the rules and regulations required in the examination of teachers. 
7. To provide, and keep on file, one copy each of whatever school documents may be forwarded to him from the Department of Public Instruction. 
8. To keep a record of his official acts. 
9. To carefully preserve all reports of school officers and teachers, and at the close of his official term deliver to his successor all records, books, documents and papers belonging to his office, taking a receipt therefor, which shall be filed in the office of the County Clerk. 
SEC. 37. The Examiner shall, whenever he deems it necessary for the health or comfort of pupils, require the Committee of the Township concerned, to repair any school buildings or property, or to abate any nuisance in or about any premises. He shall, also, in all cases require the Committee to provide such water closets and out houses as decency and economy require.
SEC. 38. The certificate granted by the County Examiner shall be valid only for the County in which it is granted. 


SEC. 39. The School Committee of any Township may admit to the public schools adults and children not residing therein, whenever good reasons exist for such receptions.