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SEC. 40. Instructions shall be given in the schools of the several grades as follows, viz: reading, writing, orthography, arithmetic, geography, English grammar, and the Board of Education may require such other studies as may be deemed necessary: Provided, That no such studies shall be pursued to the neglect or exclusion of the studies herein specified, and that thorough instruction shall first be given in all the enumerated branches. 

SEC. 41. For the purpose of protecting the health of young children, it is hereby provided that no school shall be continued in session more than six hours a day exclusive of intermission. Any teacher guilty of a violation of the provisions of this section shall be summarily dismissed by the School Committee.

SEC. 42. Minors under guardianship, their father having deceased, may attend the public schools of the Township of which their guardian is an inhabitant. 


SEC. 43. Pupils shall be admitted into the schools in the order in which they apply to be registered; and all pupils who may be admitted into public schools shall comply with the regulations established in pursuance of law for the government of such schools, and shall pursue the required course of study, and shall submit to the authority of the teachers of such schools. Continued and wilful disobedience and open defiance of the authority of the teachers shall constitute good cause for expulsion from school; and habitual profanity and vulgarity, good cause for suspension from school. Any pupil, who shall in any way cut, deface, defile or otherwise injure any school house, fences or out buildings thereof, shall be liable to suspension and punishment; and the parents or guardian of such  pupil shall be liable for damages on complaint of the teacher, or of any school officer.  



SEC. 44. No person who shall teach in any common school of this State without a prescribed certificate shall be entitled to receive for such services any compensation from revenues raised for the support of public schools: Provided, That if his certificate expire by limitation, during the time for which he may be engaged in teaching any school, such expiration shall not have the effect to interrupt his school or to debar his claim against the school revenues for the payment of teacher's wages.

SEC. 45. The principal teacher of every common school shall keep a daily register of his or her school, in the manner prescribed by the Superintendent of Public Instruction, and indicated by the blank school register, to be furnished each school by the School Committee.

SEC. 46. No teacher shall be entitled to any portion of his or her salary or wages, unless such teacher shall have been employed by a majority of the Committee; nor unless the holder of a legal State or County teacher's certificate in full force and effect. 

SEC. 47. Teachers shall hold each pupil to a strict accountability, in school, for any disorderly conduct on the way to or from school, on the play grounds of the school, or during intermission or recess; and may suspend from school any pupil for good cause: Provided, That such suspension shall be reported by the teacher, in writing, to the Committee as soon as practicable; and, if such action is not sustained by them, the teacher may appeal to the County Examiner, whose decision shall be final, whether for or against expulsion. 

SEC. 48. In all cases of refusal or revocation of a certificate, the teacher shall have the right of appeal from the County Examiner to the County Committee. 

SEC. 49. Any teacher dismissed, before the expiration of his or her contract made with any school authority, for alleged unfitness or incompetence, or violation of rules or law, shall have the right of appeal to the County Committee, and if such