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Committee shall decide that the removal was made without sufficient cause, the teacher so removed shall be reinstated in school, and shall continue during the time of contract. 

SEC. 50. The school authorities of each and every Township shall establish a separate school or separate schools, for the instruction of children and youth of each race resident therein, and over sixand under twenty-one years of age; and such school or schools shall be supported, regulated and instructed in the same manner and to the same extent as any other public school or schools of the same grade. 

SEC. 51. No person shall be employed to teach any such separate schools who shall not, at the time of such employment, be legally certified as qualified. 


SEC. 52. That the State and County capitation tax shall be collected at the same time and place, and by the same persons, that State taxes are collected, and that 
seventy-five per cent. of said State and County capitation tax shall be paid into the State Treasury, as a revenue for the support of public schools. 

SEC. 53. In addition to the proceeds of the capitation tax, in order that the schools may be continued for the term of four months, the General Assembly hereby appropriates one hundred thousand dollars, out of any moneys in the Treasury not appropriated otherwise, and authorize the Treasurer of the State to pay that sum to the County School Treasurer in the manner provided for in this act. 


SEC. 54. All State school funds apportioned by the Superintendent of Public Instruction, and all County school moneys apportioned by County Commissioners, shall be apportioned to the several Townships in proportion to the number


of school census children between six and twenty-one years, as shown by the returns of the school census marshals for the next preceding school year: Provided, That the first apportionment after the ratification of this act shall be according to the census taken by County Commissioners in eighteen hundred and sixty-eight. 

SEC. 55. The school money raised by the appropriation required by this act shall be used for no other purpose than the payment of teachers legally qualified and employed under the provisions of this act. Township and County school money may be used by the County Commissioners and Township School Committees, for the various purposes which are authorized and provided for in this act. 


SEC. 56. The School Committee of each Township shall appoint on of their number to be Clerk of the Committee. It shall be his duty: 
1. To attend the meetings of the Committee and to record in a book to be provided for that purpose, all their official proceedings, which shall be a public record, open to any person interested therein; and all such proceedings, when so recorded, shall be signed by the Chairman and Clerk. 
2. To sign all orders of the School Committee upon the County Treasurer. 

SEC. 57. Township Trustees shall allow the Township Clerk the same compensation out of the Township Treasury for preparing the annual returns of the School Committee to the Board of County Commissioners, and for issuing orders upon the County Treasurer for the payment of teachers, as is allowed for other services of like nature. 

SEC. 58. In case of failure to perform the duties prescribed by this act, the Clerk aforesaid shall be liable in an action for damages on the part of the School Committee of the Township.