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of the State Agricultural College, of all incorporated Literary institutions required to report to him, of the Educational Department of the State Penitentiary, of the Institution for the Deaf and Dumb and the Blind, and of all other Educational Institutions, to which State appropriations may be made.

SEC. 68. He shall apportion to the several Counties the school fund to which each may be entitled, and shall furnish to the State Auditor, to each County Treasurer, and to the Commissioners of each County, an abstract of such apportionment, and shall draw his order on the State Auditor in favor of each County Treasurer for the amount of State School fund to which such County is entitled; and shall take each Treasurer's receipt for the same. 

SEC. 69. He shall prepare and cause to be printed suitable forms for making all reports and conducting all necessary proceedings under this act, and shall transmit them to the local school officers and teachers, who shall be governed in accordance therewith. He shall furnish the County Examiner with suitable certificates, and shall prepare a State school register which shall be furnished to each school in the State. He shall cause all school laws to be printed in a pamphlet form, and shall annex thereto forms for making reports and conducting school business; also the course of study, rules and regulations; and such suggestions on school architecture as he may deem useful, with such wood cuts and plans of school houses as he may be able to obtain. He shall furnish each school officer and teacher with at least one copy of said pamphlet. 

SEC. 70. The Superintendent of Public Instruction shall at the expiration of his term of office deliver, on demand, to his successor all property, books, documents, maps, records, reports and other things belonging to his office.


SEC. 71. No child or youth between six and twenty-one years of age shall be excluded from the nearest public school in the 


Town to which such child or youth belongs, on account of the inability of the parent, guardian or employer of the same, to pay his or her tax, or assessment for any school purpose whatever.

SEC. 72. Any money appropriated to the use of public schools, which shall be applied by a Township, or any officer thereof, to any other purpose than that specified by law, shall be forfeited to the State; and any officer or person who shall fraudulently make a false certificate or order, by which any money appropriated to public schools shall be drawn from the Treasury of the State, or the County, shall forfeit and pay the sum of fifty dollars, and it shall be the duty of the Superintendent of Public Instruction to cause a suit to be instituted to recover said forfeitures.

SEC. 73. Any citizen legally chosen or appointed who shall refuse to be qualified, or to discharge any duty imposed by this or any other act, in relation to public schools shall forfeit the sum of ten dollars, to be collected by the Treasurer of the Township in which such person resides, and paid into the County Treasury. 

SEC. 74. Every person who shall wilfully interrupt or disturb any public or private school, or any meeting lawfully and peaceably held for the purpose of literary or scientific improvement, either within or without the place where such school or meeting is held, or of injuring any school building, or of defacing any school furniture, apparatus or other property, shall be fined not exceeding one hundred dollars at the discretion of the Court.

SEC. 75. With the consent of the School Committee first obtained, minors between the ages of six and twenty-one years may attend school in Townships other than those in which their parents or guardians reside.   

SEC. 76. The School Committee shall not allow any child to be admitted to, or connected with, the public schools, who is affected by any contagious or loathsome disease.