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A. 846. 1869.
Office CQM BRF&AL July 14. 1869.
H. M. Whittelsey CQM

Directs that 1 Letter Rec'd and 1 Letter Sent Books with 2 detached indexes be procured for Jno Kimball Supt Education on his request-

order Blanchard & Mohen July 14/69

E.B. 934 Vol. 1. 1869
War Dept. BRF*AL.
Office of Chf QMaster
Washington July 14. 1869

Respectfully referred to Bvt. Lt. Col. JM Brown, D.O. &c who will please furnish to Superintendent Kimball the record books specified in the enclosed requisitions.  Mr Kimball will furnish Col. Brown with memo of lettering for back of books
By command of Bvt Maj Genl O.O. Howard Comm
Henry M Whittelsey