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Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands,
Baltimore, Md., July 28th 1869

Enclosed find vouchers for 3d payment to James Thomas. I send them not because I think he needs the money, but as he called in and intimated the necessity of receiving the amount I let him sign, enclosed, and told him I would forward them to you.

I would therefore suggest you not sending the money until latter part of next week, and think it would be well to make check payable to my order so that only a portion can be paid him at a time. I think the last amount ws more than he really required, and before paying him more I should prefer seeing the President of the Home

Truly Yours
Edwd. C. Knower
Bt. Capt. U.S.A.

Bt Major J. M. Brown
Disbg Office Bu. &c.

Has Swaim returned? If so give him my regards — Also Sladen