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A. 876. 1869.
Office C Q M  Bu R F & A L
Aug 9, 1869

H. M. Whittelsey
C. Q. M.

Directs that 1 Ribbon for Hand-Stamp be purchased for use of Claim Division on request of W. P. Drew.

R F & A L 

order Blanchard & Mohun Aug 9, 69

E. B. 1076 vol 1, 1869

War Dept. B R F A L
Office Chf Qr Master
Washington Aug 9 '69

Respectfully referred to Bvt Lt Col J M Brown, D.O. &c. who will please furnish for the use of the Claim Division the Stamp ribbon within requested.

Col. Brown is requested to procure this ribbon immediately, if practicable

By command of Bvt Maj Genl O. O. Howard
Henry M Whittelsey
C Q M  B R F A L

RECEIVED * AUG 10 1869 * A & D. OFFICE. D.C.