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purpose of winning peace, democracy, and security for all American young people. It unites both Negro and white youth. Through securing the passage of the American Youth Act, for which it campaigns, it seeks to establish a sort of W.P.A. which would employ young peole at trade union rates of pay on projects which would give them not only a livelihood but also vocational training. It has developed a whole legislative program for youth. This movement now represents fully two and a half million young people. 

Organizations such as the American Student Union are seeking to unite Negro and white students for similar aims. The present National Youth Act appropriation of $75,000,000 must be spent for student aid and not saved for the rich at the expense of the students. We are proud of the fact that young Negro students are beginning to follow in the footsteps of the heroic students of China by devoting  their talents toward helping our people to unite. 

Soviet Union Makes Discrimination a Crime 

More and more, our people are seeing that in the land of socialism, the Soviet Union, real equality and brotherhood have been established among all the formerly oppressed peoples who live there. Insults to minority groups in the Soviet Union are severely punished as crimes. These things are possible because there the people have a system which is not based on private profit, but on the collective well-being of society as a whole. There, those who toil own the means of production. The products of labor enrich the lives of those who work and not a small, idle minority. This is socialism.


Former Division Organizer of the Y.C.L. in Harlem, New York, and recently elected Chairman of the Manhattan County organization.