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It is significant for us that Paul Robeson, one of our people who fought his way up to be recognized as one of the world's greatest artists-who knew the bitterness of the Negro's life under Jim Crow-has said that he wants his son to be educated and to grow up in the Soviet Union, where he will never know discrimination, where he will never be considered inferior in any way. Socialism in the Soviet Union stands as a beacon of hope to our people.

People's Front Movement Grows
Socialism, however, if not achieved at a single bound. The path toward socialism lies through struggle for each immediate need confronting us. Struggle to improve out immediate living conditions means making every possible use of every democratic right. But there are people-fascists-who want to deny us even those democratic rights we now have.

Fortunately there is a growing movement for putting real representatives of labor organizations, farm organizations, and of all organizations of the people, including out own. in office where they can enact and execute legislation in the interest of the people. Such governments in France, Spain, Mexico, and elsewhere are called People's Front governments. They are furiously resisted by all the chief exploiters of the people.

These chief exploiters are the fascists. However, it is necessary to warn the reader that there are those who pose as friends of the people. They carry on the underhand dirty work of the fascists, by attempting to undermine and destroy the Soviet Union. They do not wish the people to see that the road of the Soviet people is the road to emancipa-


tion. They carry on war against the People's Front because they are opposed to the people's unity. These latter people are the Troskyites-agents of fascism, enemies of the people.

Movements toward the formation of such a People's front government in the United States are expressed not only through the establishment of independent Farmer-Labor Parties, but through the formation of progressive movements in the old political parties themselves.

People's Front Would Enforce the 13th, 14th and 15th Amendments
President Roosevelt's recent legislative proposals in regard to wages, hours, farm legislation, housing, court reform, international cooperation for peace, etc., together with the legislative program proposed by the C.I.O have the first elements of a People's Front program. The task now confronts us of assisting the developing political currents which support such a program to unite in a solid coalition which will be able to meet the fury of the "economic royalists."
A People's Front government in America would be one that would tax the rich to meet the needs of the poor; that would help the struggling small sharecropper and farmer to obtain land and a large share of his crops at the expense of the landlords, railroads, banks, and packing companies; that would suppress Ku Kluxism instead of suppressing Negro rights. The heart and soul of our people must support such a movement. It is to such a movement that we must look for support when we demand the enforcement of the 13th, 14th, anf 15th Amendments of the Constitution.