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ever we find it and that this is one organization that has put an end to every trace of Jim Crow within its ranks.

During the last year, we suffered a grievous loss in the death of James Ashford, one of our most outstanding leaders-another member of our National Board and of the Executive Committee of the Young Communist International. In his memory, our organization has pledged itself to train and promote hundreds of new Negro young people who have the capacity and the devotion to become new James Ashfords.

What Would You Like to Learn?
The Young Communist League does more than cooperate with all progressive movements of youth. The Young Communist League is an organization where you can lead the kind of life you have always wanted to lead. It's program is- Action, Education, Recreation.

I have told you about some of the kinds of action of the Y.C.L.-actions in which you do not have to take part unless you are interested in them.

The Y.C.L. also offers the kind of education you have long been looking for.

Classes on the history and culture of the Negro people-classes at which white members attend, too, to learn of the proud heritage of our people. Classes on singing, and dressmaking, and home-making-on hundreds of other practical problems that face you.

Recreation, Fun, Meeting New People
Classes on public speaking and short-story writing and poetry writing- so that you can develop your talents.


Classes that will help you to become a leader in your trade union or your club.

Classes about socialism- telling how the Soviet Union has not only abolished the oppression of one nation by another, but also the exploitation of one class by another- classes explaining the final way out of the world crisis through socialism.

Recreation-in the form of sports, socials, dancing, hikes, camping trips, parties-all the ways of meeting people and making new friends that I am certain you will enjoy.

It's swell to be young. Yes, it's a wonderful thing to be young today. It's wonderful because we can begin to see the dawn at the end of the long trail of oppression and exploitation of our people.

Wonderful because we can see the forces in motion that can, with our help, set us free. Wonderful, too, because we can take our place with these forces that are working to bring us a better life.

It's a wonderful thing that there's an organization like the Young Communist League for the Negro youth.

Why don't you join?

In the beginning of this pamphlet I told you a story of George. That is a brief story of my own life. I joined the Young Communist League in January, 1932. I found that it is an organization of and for the young Negro people. You may have whatever belief you want but if you believe in one thing-that we as a people are rightfully entitled to equality-you must join our organization. By joining it you make it larger and stronger. You can receive education on the ways and means of how we together with the white people can and will help to liberate our people.