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the new york magazine program

What the Woman Will Wear

DRESSING comfortably for the imminent hot weather is chief among the problems now confronting the this torrid town's population.
How to be beautiful though sweltering is something that every woman ought to know; and that brings us, without further palaver, straight up to our text for the week, which concerns town clothes for the dog days.
[[image: woman in a dress and hat]]

To begin with the sketch on this pages ins offered as a happy suggestion. The dress of printed silk collared in Val lace, and the baku hat, with its perky bow beneath the brim, make a complete town costume, without benefit of extra wrap.
The print illustrated here is a charming version in black, with pastel flowers; but you may choose another design and have the dress made up for you, to your own taste. The hat likewise. It can be ordered in any color combination. Kurzman offers this service, which means that both dress and hat will be extremely well made, with the particular attention to detail for which the shop has a wide renown.
This costume would be grand for immediate use with your furs, or under a spring coat. Later, it will keep
Continued on page 8

for the feet of 
[[image: high heeled shoe]]
The demureness of 1860!
The sophistication of 1930!
In patent, blue, lemon, cappucine, grey or dull black kid .. 13.50
Best & Co.


mansfield theatre

Dramatize your own good looks
Le Début
Heroines in plays have the glamour of the footlights to lend them loveliness. But every woman in this audience has just as powerful an aid to loveliness, if she but knew it...this new powder called POUDRE LE DEBUT! The texture is satin-smooth so that it clings without caking. And the colors are so subtly keyed in eight different natural skin tones that you own natural skin flush glows through. In fact, POUDRE LE DEBUT gives you that well-groomed, velvety, flower-petal look that makes every woman a heroine in her own right. Try some before your best friend and severest critic...your mirror. POUDRE LE DEBUT - $1.50 the box. A Hudnut Creation.
[[image: illustration of boxes of powder]]
