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the new york magazine program

who's who in the cast

SALEM TUTT WHITNEY was born in Indiana and attended the Shortridge High School of Indianapolis and the National School of Journalism. He has written a book of poems, two dramas, twenty-five tabloid acts, and many comedy sketches. He furnished comedy material for Lew Leslie's "Blackbirds" and for  "Hot Chocolates" and is the feature writer for two colored newspapers, the Chicago Defender and the New York Amsterdam News. He produced and appeared with the Whitney and Tutt's Smarter Set Company. His last New York appearance was in "Deep Harlem."

ALANZO FENDERSON enacted the part of the father in "Harlem," the all-colored play produced last season. Previous to that he appeared in "Liza." In this production he also played the father. Born in New Haven, Conn., he attended Yale for a year before going on the stage.

HAVE YOUR OWN WHO'S WHO—Save your programs in an orderly manner. File them securely in our attractive, black, flexible binder made especially for that purpose. Sent postpaid for $1.00 by the New York Theatre Program Corporation, 108-114 Wooster Street, New York City.




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[[image- opposite page]]

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