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of the Party are "Uncle Toms"; and in an underhand method, seek to use all difficulties of the Party, all of its shortcomings, for the purpose of disruption and factionalism.

An example of this is seen in the activities of Comrade Nowell of Detroit. The Central Committee has definite and conclusive information that Comrade Nowell has established himself as a hidden center around which petty bourgeois nationalist tendencies in the Party gravitate, a center where all such sentiments find ready support, where less-developed comrades who err in the direction of petty bourgeois nationalism, find the greatest encouragement. Comrade Nowell's activities are not confined to Detroit alone. He seeks to influence comrades in other places. This activity of Comrade Nowell serves only the purpose of demoralizing our Negro comrades, making impossible the mobilization of the Party forces for the carrying through of our work. It serves directly the class enemy, and has no place in our movement. [[italics]] (Prolonged applause.) [[/italics]] It creates an atmosphere wherein stool-pigeons and provocateurs can carry on their best work. But the question of Comrade Nowell is not only a question of petty bourgeois nationalism. It is a question of political dishonesty, double bookkeeping, factionalism of the worst sort, of the most unprincipled kind. Such pernicious activity must be ruthlessly rooted out of our ranks.

Comrades, this Convention must demand a clear-cut, frank statement from Comrade Nowell in regard to his disruptive activity and factional work, as well as frank self-criticism in regard to his petty bourgeois nationalist views. In a situation where the Party is being subjected to the most vicious attacks by its class enemies, ranging from the facist lynchers to the reformist and petty bourgeois nationalist agents--at such a time the Party cannot tolerate such poison in its ranks. [[italics]] (Applause) [[/italics]]

The example of Padmore should be a warning to Comrade


Nowell. Palmore [sic] rose to a very prominent position in our movement. But Padmore, by social origin a petty bourgeois intellectual, never succeeded in freeing himself from the influences of petty bourgeois nationalism. He never attained a real proletarian outlook. Padmore's attitude was always one of suspicion and skepticism as to the integrity of the Party and its leadership. He passed from this to distrust of the C.I., repeating the worst slander of the bourgeoisie, as to the "desertion of the C.I. from its Negro program." From this he rapidly and completely slipped down into the mire of counter-revolutionary petty bourgeois nationalism. He now appears as an active agent of imperialism against the revolutionary movement. Such, comrades, is the logic of the struggle. Such is the path of all those who attempt to fight the Party. (Applause).

In conclusion comrades, all of this sharply emphasizes the necessity for waging a Bolshevik fight on two fronts: against white chauvinism as the main danger but at the same time carrying on a determined fight against all petty bourgeois nationalist influences. This struggle on two fronts can be carried out only on the basis of the correct Bolshevik division of tasks between Negro and white comrades. It is the special duty of the white comrades to step to the forefront of the fight against white chauvinism and for the rights of Negro comrades to wage a consistent fight against petty Negro comrades to wage a consistent fight against petty-bourgeois nationalism in all of its forms among the Negro masses.

[[centered]] Next Steps in Our Work Among the Negroes [[/centered]]

It is clear that the struggle against Negro reformism and petty bourgeois nationalist influences can go forward only on the basis of an all-round strengthening of our work among the Negro masses in every field. The increased activities of the Negro reformist leaders can only be met and


Transcription Notes:
Perhaps a typesetting problem of repeating words "Negro comrades to wage a consistent fight against petty" in last paragraph before centered heading "Next Steps ..."