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defeated on the basis of the widest application of our tactic of united front from below. In this we must penetrate the reformist mass organizations, proposing joint struggle with the masses of toilers in these organizations on the basis of their immediate, specific demands and drawing these masses into struggle over the heads of the treacherous reformist and petty bourgeois nationalist leaders.

This whole situation confronts us with the necessity of immediately strengthening the leadership of the proletariat and the Party in the liberation movement of the Negro people. This, first of all, calls for a radical improvement in our trade union and shop work by energetically taking up the struggle for the day-to-day demands of the Negro toilers in the shops, factories, etc. In this connection it is necessary that our Party, trade unions, and shop organizations take special pains to formulate the demands of the Negro works in every struggle and in the preparation for struggles. This must also be done by the Unemployment Councils. On this basis we must immediately carry through energetic and sustained recruitment of Negro toilers into our revolutionary trade unions, into the revolutionary opposition within the A. F. of L. Simultaneously, it is necessary to carry through a bold policy of drawing the most militant elements among the Negro works into the leadership in trade union and unemployed work. The whole question of developing cadres among Negroes must be more rapidly pushed forward in the Party as well as in the revolutionary mass organization.

This drive for the strengthening of our work among the basic sections of the Negro working class in the shops, factories, etc., must be connected with the intensification of the struggle along the whole front of Negro liberation. In this we must immediately push forward the campaign for political rights for the Negroes, against lynch-terror and all forms


of persecution for the freedom of the Scottsboro boys, Angelo Herndon, etc. This campaign should center around the L.S.N.R. Bill of Civil Rights for the Negro People. A mass drive for signatures to the petition for the Bill of Civil Rights should immediately be launched and should be connected with the development of mass actions in all localities.

In the South, we must strengthen our concentration work in the key industries, steel, coal, textile, tobacco, etc., build up the Party, revolutionary trade unions, and opposition movement within the A. F. of L. on the basis of drawing the Negro and white toilers into joint struggle for their day-to-day needs, against the N.R.A. differentials, discrimination against Negroes, increased fascist attacks upon the rights of the Negro and white toilers. Simultaneously, we must take steps to strengthen the movement of sharecroppers and poor farmers against the cotton plowunder, the Bankhead Bill, against the whole system of semi-feudal slavery of the agrarian masses. It is necessary that we further develop our revolutionary agrarian program in the center of which must be the slogan of "confiscation of the land of the big white landlords and capitalists" in favor of the Negro and white toilers.

In all this work it is necessary to bring forth more energetically our full program for Negro liberation, equal rights, right of self-determination, confiscation of the land. We carry through the widest popularization of the achievements of the Soviet Union in the solution of the national question. Likewise, it becomes important not only to popularize the program of the C.I. for the Negro colonies, Africa, West Indies, but to develop solidarity actions in support of the revolutionary movement in these colonies against imperialism.

In the application of our tactic of the united front from