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below with the masses of Negro toilers in the reformist and petty bourgeois nationalist organizations, we must take care to guard against any "leftist" distortion of our line, i.e., any tendency to lump the masses in these organizations together with their leaders, which means to play into the hands of these petty bourgeois misleaders, inevitably leading to our isolation. On the contrary, it is absolutely necessary in our approach to these masses to make a clear differentiation between them and their petty bourgeois nationalist leaders. At the same time we must be equally alert against the right opportunist tendency to underestimate the class role of Negro reformism and petty bourgeois nationalism. Such a tendency would lead to lagging at the tail of Negro reformist and petty bourgeois nationalist leaders and to the weakening of proletarian hegemony and Party leadership in the Negro liberation movement.

An effective struggle against reformist and petty bourgeois nationalist leaders and the winning of the masses from their reactionary influences, demands once for all that we seriously take up the task of building the L.S.N.R. into an independent mass organization around the Party's program of struggles for Negro liberation.

The L.S.N.R. can become an important instrument in carrying through our united front policy on the field of Negro rights. The Party and L.S.N.R. should undertake to build up oppositions within all important reformist and petty bourgeois nationalist mass organizations, the setting up of L.S.N.R. fractions within them, in this way, establishing positions inside from which to carry out the struggle against and exposure of the misleaders and rally the masses under our leadership. At the same time the L.S.N.R. should carry through a campaign for the affiliation of all possible Negro organizations on the basis of its program. As an extremely important weapon for the struggle on this field,


the Liberator must immediately be built into a mass popular paper. It must become a leader and organizer of the struggles for Negro liberation, and for the most effective and sustained exposure of the Negro reformist and petty bourgeois nationalist leaders.

Comrades: Only on the basis of building up our work along these lines, together with strengthening our fight on two fronts, against white chauvinism as the main danger, as well as a more determined fight against petty bourgeois nationalism; only in this way shall we be able to weld that unbreakable unity of Negro and white toilers, a necessary condition for the successful carrying through of the great tasks that confront our Party in the present situation.
(Prolonged applause.)