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Editors are invited to reprint articles and resolutions which appear in the "Negro Worker". Editorial Board: George Padmore (U.S.A), Editor-in Chief. Contributing Editors: J. W. Ford, Cyril Briggs, D. B. Amis(U. S. A.); O. E. Huiswood (R. I. L. U.); C. Alexander (West Indies); E. Forster Jones. E. F. Small (West Africa); G. Kouyatte (French West Africa); A. Nzula, E. T. Mofutsanyana (South Africa); Mansey(Congo). Managing Editor: Max Barek (Hamburg). Contents 1. How The Empire Is Governed. By Padmore. 2. An Open Letter To The I. L. D. 3. Atrocities In The Congo. By Lukuta te. 4. Mr. Vandervelde "Discovers" The Congo. 5. The Struggles of The West Indian Masses. By C. Alexander. 6. Voices From The Colonies. 7. Lynch Justice In America. 8. Letter of a Son To His Mother. 9. A Challenge To The War Mongers. 10. How The Workers Live In Cameroon. By J. Bile. 11. Revolutionary Poems. ORGAN OF THE INTERNATIONAL TRADE UNION COMMITEE OF NEGRO WORKERS, 8 ROTHESOODSTR., HAMBURG, GERMANY Notice to our Readers. All cheques, money orders and registered letters must be made payable to: The International Trade Union Committee of Negro Workers: 8, Rothesoodstrasse, Hamburg. Workers of the World, Unite! THE NEGRO WORKER No. 7 July 1932 Vol. 2 How The Empire Is Governed By Geo Padmore. British Imperialism is no infant. It is full grown. So full grown that it is becoming senile and thanks to the blows which it is receiving from is more verile rivals, especially the U.S. on the one hand, and the revolts of the toiling masses under its yoke on the other, is beginning to totter. Even the blind can see that its fall is inevitable. However, while it lasts, let us briefly review how it is governed. For Centuries the ruling class of Britain through wars with rival imperialist powers, military expeditions, frauds, corruption and trickery, especially of British merchant-capitalists and missionaries in Africa and India, has been planting the Union Jack in other peoples' territories. It is in this way the so-called mighty British Empire has been carved out. During these centuries of colonial domination and exploitation, the imperialists of Britain can truly be said to have learnt the art of "governing". Their police in a dual one. One the one hand, they maintain their domination over the colonial masses through deceipt [[deceit]], hyprocricy [[hypocrisy]] and corruption. And when these methods fail, brute force, and terrorism, backed up by corruption. And when these methods fail, brute force, and terrorism, backed up by machine guns and bombing planes are brought into action in order to maintain the authority of these white overlords. Now let us see how the first method of British domination is being concretely applied in various parts of the Empire. In India, the imperialists have been able to maintain a stronghold over three hundred millions people by exploiting religious differences among the toiling masses, through organized pogroms. When the true history of India comes to be written, the facts will reveal that the agents of the British Rajah have been as skilfull provocateurs as those of Nicolas II. Let no one be so naïve as to think that the British are in India for India's good. That is what the missionaries and other middle-class people who masquerade as "friends of India" would have the world believe. And it is just because of this kind of humbug that these people must be branded as some of the greatest enemies of the Indian masses. In this respect the diehard Tory imperialists are by far more honest than these ecclesiatical [[ecclesiastical]] and petty-bourgeois charlatans. Some years ago, the late Sir Joynson-Hicks, Secretary of State, for Home Affairs publicly declared: "We did not conquer India for the benefit of the Indians. I know in missionary meetings it is said that we conquered India to raise the level of the Indians. That is cant! 1