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through Ordinances that can only be equalled during the vilest regime of reaction under Tsarism - this is only a mild picture of the British Empire over which its defenders and upholders boast that the sun never sets. It is from this yoke of slavery that hundreds of millions of black, white, yellow, brown, toiling humanity are struggling for national freedom and social emancipation. This struggle can only be successfully carried through by cementing the closest bonds of international solidarity between the toiling masses, whether Indians, Negroes or Whites in the colonies and the metropolis agains the common enemy - British Imperialism. For us, the issues is clear. The Negro masses in Africa and the West Indies can never free themselves from their tyrants single handed. Victory can only be achieved when the workers of India, the workers of Ireland, of Britain and other parts of the Empire realize that theirs is a common struggle with ours. That the same rulers who oppress them, also oppress us. And that as long as the British imperialists are able to keep our struggles divided from each other, so long will they be able to maintain their domination over all of us. Therefore, let us join hands in the common struggle against The Common Enemy. An Open Letter To The I.L.D. (U.S.A.) Dear Comrades: The Executive of the International Trade Union Committee of Negro Workers has just received news that the Treasury Department of the United States Government has lifted the ban on our official organ, the "Negro Worker", thanks to your vigorous protest action. We want to take this opportunity of extending our warmest appreciation to you; and through you to all the revolutionary white and black workers for their splendid expression of international solidarity with the struggles of the Negro masses in Africa and other colonies. We consider this a great victory for the working class right of free press. The action of the Amerian Imperialists towards the revolutionary upsurge of the Negro masses and the growing solidarity between the black and the white workers is not to be wondered at. Like the British, French and other imperialist powers with colonial possessions in Africam the Yankee imperialists are carrying on the most ferocious attacks upon the living conditions of Negro masses, and in order to do this most effectively they attempt to prevent the working class from reading revolutionary literature such as the "Negro Worker". But we want to assure our readers in America, that no matter what difficulties the imperialists put in our way, the "Negro Worker" will continue to carry on the struggle in mobilizing the millions of black proletarians in the colonies against hunger, unemployment, taxation, lynch law, forced labour, imperialist war, and for the defence of the Chinese masses and the Soviet Union, the fatherland of the international working class, -- white as well as coloured. We again congratulate the International Labour Defence on this splendid victory. We once more assure you of our closest collaboration and wish you every success in your present campaigns, especially for the immediate freedom of the Scottsboro victims and that labour veteran, Tom Mooney. Fraternally yours, International Trade Union Committee of Negro Workers George Padmore, Secretary. Hamburg, Germany, July 14, 1932. 6 Under the Yoke of Imperialism Atrocities in the Congo By Lukuta te. We are pleased to publish the following first hand account of the recent Congo revolt sent us by Comrade Lukuta te, a native worker from Elizabethville. This confirms the correctness of the previous articles published to the "Negro Worker" and repudiates the slanderous statements published in the Social-democratic and Negro petty-bourgeois press in America, to the effects, that the Belgian authorities were suppressing witch doctors. --Ed. [[image - A Congo Village.]] The revolt which occurred last year in the Kwango district of the Congo and which has been suppressed with methods of unheared brutality was not caused, as the official communiques want to make us believe, by an excitement of the natives through witch doctors. This revolt was the reaction of the workers and peasants against the most scandalous conditions of forced labour, taxation, and the worsening of the conditions due to the present economic crisis. The tribes of the Kwango, especially the Bapembe-tribe, which is the most important 7