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Not only are these bombers intended for the invading <>, they are in reality, to perform the task of Air Police to bomb rebellious natives into submission to exploitation.

[[caption]] British War Planes training for action. [[/caption]] 

The insistence of the British Imperialists, during te discussion in the League of Nations on the prohibition of air bombing, that bombing in the colonies should be excepted, shows to what extent the Imperialists are ready to go, in the slaughter of native men, women and children in order that they may continue undisturbed in drawing their super-profits from the sweat and blood of the native toilers.

When the war, for which they are preparing the redivision of the colonies, breaks out, they will push the natives into the front line trenches to stop the bullets of the enemy. When the flagwaving is over, the natives will be kicked in the pants and forced to slave once more for the benefit of the slave drivers. What the native toilers must learn is to utilize the struggle between the Imperialist powers to make a bold strike for their own emancipation and independence.


Bloody June 30th in Germany.

On June 30th, the Hitlerites went on a murder rampage, killing those Storm Troop leaders and other prominent Nazis who treatened the reign of Hitler.

This gory slaughter of over 100 persons is only a mass example of what has been going on, spread over a period of months since the coming to power of the Nazis.

The Hitlerites feel their days numbered. No longer can the masses bear the misery and terror which has been imposed on them. Hitler is unable to keep any of the promises which he made when he came to power. The German masses are grumbling, so Hitler, in an attempt to check the rising anger of the people, tried to divert it by killing some of his once faithful aides who were plotting to take over the reigns of government themselves.

Hitler hides the real reason for his acts by explaining them as a necessary purging of the Nazi ranks from degenerate elements, although knowledge of sex perversion and degeneracy has been known for a long time. Some of the so-called examples of the much-boasted pure and superior Aryan race of Hitler, including Hitler himself, have been revealed as degenerate persons, sexual perverts and drug addicts. These same persons were among the highest Fascist officials only a few weeks ago. Hitler also admitted that the Storm Troop leaders indulged in riotous and voluptuous living, spending enormous State funds in feasting and gay life.

It is this type of degenerate who will pass judgement on Ernst Thaelmann, the leader ofthe German Communist Party, who is imprisoned for the past 14 months. Thaelmann faces the death penalty on a charge of high treason. This law did not exist until after Thaelmann's arrest when the Fascist came to power. Almost all rights of a political prisoner have been denied him and he has been maltreated and tortured from time to time.

Taelmann, the militant dockworker of Hamburg, is to be tried in the newly formed <> one of the instrument of the Nazi terror rule, but he is not permitted any counsel. There is the danger that the trial will be held secretly and will be a cooked up affair.

NEGRO WORKERS! Rally to the defense of Thaelmann! Join in the world protest movement against this vicious Fascist frame-up of Thaelmand and the other anti-Fascist fighters.

Down with Fascism, Hunger and War!


Transcription Notes:
The image is an air-to-air photograph of Royal Air Force biplanes flying in formation