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The Strike of 25.000 Negro and white American longshoreman carried out for nearly 2 months on the Pacific Coast resulted in a General Strike in the San Francisco region involving over 100.000 workers. For days the Strike kept this area tied up, but when it appeared that the Strike would get out of the hands of the Reformist leaders and carried to a successful end, government troops were called in. Several strikers and picketers were killed and injured.

The reformist leaders of the Unions made negotiations with the employers and the government which brought the strike to an abrupt end. Although they were able to sell out the General Strike, they have not been able to stop the Longshoremen's Strike, and other groups of workers wo are on sympathy strikes with them. At the same time the strike wave continues to spread al over the U. S., especially in Mineapolis where the teamsters strike has taken on great force.

[[caption]] Negro and white women strikers battle police. [[/caption]]


The Supreme Court of Alabama upheld the decision of the lower Courts and sentenced two of the Scottsboro defendants - Norris and Patterson - to be executed on August 31.

The International Labor Defense is appealing to the U. S. Supreme Court against this vicious frame-up decision to legally lynch these innocent Negro youths. The I. L. D. calls attention to the determination of the Southern ruling class to railroad the nine Negro lads to the electric chair and points out that only the mass pressure of the workingclass has prevented them from mordering the innocent boys. Workers must rally to the support of the I. L. D. in its fight to save the boys from their executioners. Scottsboro Boys Must Go Free!



Stirring up patriotic feeling among the Negro people in the U. S. A. with a view of preparing their minds for support of the coming imperialist war, an uncensored war film showing the role played by the Negro troops in the last World war is being shown in New York.

Taking the cue from their masters, the Negro misleaders, through press and platform, are crying for Negro regiments, battleships manned by all-Negro crews and they have even gone to the extent to suggest that these ships be given names of so-called Negro leaders, such as the servile Booker T. Washington.


In order <>, and to <> an exposition of the <> of Portugal is being held in Oporto, Portugal.

Natives of her eight colonies have been brought over to Portugal. They are being exhibited together with groups of African wild animals in native villages erected for the purpose of showing how the are <>... and <>.

A number of African soldiers have been brought over for the exposition.

The Portugese ruling class are losing no time in utilizing such a <> occasion for war preparation and propaganda for Colonial acquisition. A congress of the colonial Army and Navy is scheduled to be held during the exposition.


Official reports give the number of unemployed natives in the city of Elisabethville, in May 1934, as 1.692. Among them are 794 domestics 618 industrial workers and 170 agricultural workers. It must be pointed out here that these figures are most unreliable and are a complete under-estimation of the number of unemployed. No relief if afforded the unemployed, but they are compelled to pay taxes whether they earn anything or not.


Natives of the Lusambo Province are not allowed in the Urban area and the European sections between 9 p. m. and 5.30 a. m.