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This strategic railway which links up Brazzaville and Pointe Noire French West Africa has been completed. The main purpose of this railroad, in the building of which the lives of over 20.000 natives have been sacrificed, in to facilitate the ruching of native troops by the French Imperialists to the European and other battlefields to be used as cannon fodder by the French exploiters.


M. Raymond Susset, secretary of the French Praliamentary Committee for the Colonies has recently reported that there are only 70 medical men in the whole of French Equatorial Africa, peopled by 3000.000 to 5.000.000 natives and 5.000 Europeans. One of these medical men he says is responsible for the health of 400.000 Africans and 150 Europeans. In some parts, he adds there are villages where the proportion of te people afflicted with sleeping sickness amounts to 40, 60 and even 90 per cent..

The appalling condition should be brought to the attention of the Gentlemen who are running the League of Nations and the Arch Bishop of Canterbury, who shed crocodile tears over dirt and disease in Liberia. - Perhaps they will threaten France to clean up or they will establish a mandate over these colonies. Well, you have another guess coming.

Profits of the colonial exploiters.

We have before us a few business reports of the large colonial companies in South Africa and in the Belgian Congo. The Société Générale du Congo, which controls approximately 50 0/0 of the undertakings in the Belgian Congo, had 135 million francs net profit in 1933. Of this sum 400.000 francs was spent for <> purposes and this is boastingly emphasized in the prospectus. In this company the workers earn an average of 20 francs per month and are forcefully recruited for those undertakings by the provincial governments.

The largest holding company of the South African Union is the Rand Company which in 1933, was able to pay 130 0/0 dividends to its stockholders (in 1931, 11 0/0; 1932 80 0/0).

The <> of April 7, reports that the gold mining companies have paid out 13.000.000 pounds sterling as dividends in 1933 which is 50 0/0 more than in 1932.


Our Aims

1. Abolition of Forced Labour, Peonage and Slavery.
2. Equal Pay for Equal Work - Irrespective of Race, Colour or Sex.
3. Eight Hour Day.
4. Government Relief for Unemployed, - free rent, no taxes.
5. Freedom to arganize trade unions unemployed councils and peasant committees, - right to strike.
6. Against racial barriers in trade unions and colour bar in industry.
7. Against capitalist terror - lynching, police and soldier tertorism, arrest and deportation of foreign workers.
8. Against confiscation of peasant and communal lands, against taxation of the Negro workers and peasants.
9. To aid in te development of trade union organization among Negro workers. To promote and develop the spirit of international solidarity between the workers of all colours, races and nationalities.
10. To agitate and organize the Negro workers against the imperialist war in China and the intervention in Soviet Russia, in which the white capitalist exploiters intend to use Negroes as cannon-fodder as they did in the last war.
11. To defend the independence of Liberia, Hiti and other Negro States and to fight for the full independence of the Negro toilers in Africa and the West Indies, and their right to selfdetermination in the Black Belt of U. S. A.
12. To fight against white chauvinism, (race prejudice) social-reformism and the reformist programmes of the Negro capitalist misleaders, the missionaries, and other agents of imperialism in the colonies.

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