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Attack upon Soviets organized - East and West The world crisis shows no improvement. The bourgeoisie is seeking the way out by an intensified offensive on the colonial peoples and the weaker countries. There is a turning point in the relations of the capitalist world to the Soviet Union. The bourgeoisie sees the Five-Year Plan carried out and that the second Five-Year Plan will also be carried out. It is now a fight to the death for the capitalist or the revolutionary way out of the crisis. All the imperialist contradictions are sharpening, the time has now arrived when the bourgeoisie is moving towards a new division of the colonies (China, India, Africa, etc.). The war in the Far East is thus the actual beginning of the World War. The Japanese are organizing the White Guards in Manchuria, sabotage acts are being committed under Japanese direction in the Soviet Union. The White Guards are being sent to Mongolia. Every day there is open provocation on the Chinese Eastern Railway. The Chinese section of the leadership of the C.E.R. is replaced by new members who are definitely pro-Japanese. The main acts, however, will come from the West. Roumania [[Rumania]]and Poland are ripe for the armed attack on the Soviet Union. The Franco-Japanese Pact means that Czechoslovakia and the other countries in the French System are as much in the war as Japan. It is, therefore, a question of moments as to when the armed attack on the U.S.S.R. will be launched. Geneva: Smoke-Screen for War Mongers. To realize the full meaning of what war means today we must not only remember the blood-bath of 1914-18, but we must also remember that tremendous scientific and mechanical advances have been made since - that gas, flame, and chemical war weapons are now in the hands of every army, and that the civilian population, the big cities, the munition factories, and the transport system and the food-producing areas will be the main targets for the poisoned bombs and shells which will spread fire, poison, and disease among the whole population. When the capitalist Press speaks of the bombing of the "village" of Kiangwan, we must remember that this is a town of 150,000 people, which has been wiped out by aeroplane bombs and gun-fire. A most powerful weapon of the capitalists in organizing the war is the smokescreem of "pacifism", "disarmament" and "peace" propaganda poured out by the League of Nations, the Second International, the No More War Movement, the reformist Labour and trade union leaders. The propaganda serves the purpose of concealing from the workers the real movements of the capitalists, and of distracting the workers' attention from the real fight against war, as does the type of Labour leaders who threatens to do terrible things "if the war comes". The war is here now. The capitalist Governments are mobilizing. Ammunition is being supplied to Japan. In December and January Britain alone sent £42,000 worth of machine and quick-firing guns and high explosives, and more are leaving every day from France, Germany, Czechoslovakia and America. Against the imperialist war, which menaces the entire working class, we must fight day by day and hour by hour. Every moment of munitions and troops should be reported to the revolutionary Press, every step of the Government towards mobilizing should be exposed. We must raise the alarm in every factory and depot, every workers' organization, every working-class home. The imperialists plan to plunge the world into war, which they have begun in the East; they must be answered by the mass fight, day by day, against every war move. 6 Under The Yoke of Imperialism Child Labour in China CHINA is divided into two, the old and the new. The new China belongs to the workers and peasants, who control production for their own interests, while the old belongs to various militarists, imperialists, and the Kuomintang, who rule in their own interest and subject the Chinese workers into a life of slavery. Even the smallest child is tied to the chariot wheels of profit and high finance. In the match factories, young children, not more than five years old, work from 12 to 14 hours per day. Babies and infants sleep or play on the floor while their mothers work by the matchmaking machines. [[image]] [[caption]] Missionary Recruiting Child Labour in French Congo. [[/caption]] White phosphorus is used in these factories, and many mothers and children have been poisoned by this deadly substance. The condition in the silk factories are skocking in their grim reality. The workers there, of whom a vast majority are mere infants, work, eat and sleep by the sides of their benches. SLEEP ON THE FLOOR When they finish their work at night they pull out their roll of bedding and sleep on the floor or on the stray boards that are laid across benches or on the ground in the courtyard. Agents obtain young children from the country districts by paying the povertystricken parents about one shilling a month for the service of each child. By employing these children in the mills and factories the agent is able to reap a profit of about 100 per cent, a month for each child. 7
Transcription Notes:
Roumania is spelled incorrectly in the text pg. 6 paragraph 4.