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[[caption]] One Example of French "civilization": Flogging a strike leader in Dakar. [[/caption]]


The Anti-Imperialist Movement

Capitalist Terror in South Africa 
By Bransley R. Ndobe
Secretary of the Independent African National Congress. 

I am writing from Basutoland, a British Native Territory where I have been exiled by the South African Nationalist Party of Hertzog and Pirow under the Immigration Act which declares me as an "undesirable" inhabitant of the Union of South Africa. I am giving a brief account which lead to my deportation for the benefit of the readers of the "Negro Worker" in America and the West Indies, so that they may know how the Africans are persecuted. 

Negroes Murdered with Impunity.

In 1927 I became interested and took part in the struggle for the uplifting of the African toilers who are suffering bitter oppression. The African native is treated worse than a dog. He is discriminated, hated, and dispised in every walk of life in the land of his fore-fathers from the time of landing of the first white imperialist. Up to now the African is still haunted with a rifle. When a white capitalist or landlord murders a Kaffir, it is not considered a serious crime, as the charge of murder is always reduced to culpable homicide or common assault. The murderer gets off with a small fine of 50 [[euros]] or six weeks, and so, the killing of Kaffirs (natives) goes on every day, especially on the farms of the Dutch landlords. 

In 1927 at a place called Paarl which is about 36 miles from Cape Town a Dutch Constable killed three natives with a revolver for no reason other than a quarrel over a coloured girl. Myself and two others organized a meeting of protest, with the result, that each of us was put in gaol for three months under an Act of 1927 known as the Native Administration Act, Section 9. This was the first time that I personally experienced capitalist terror. 

Police Raids in Durban. 

In June 1929, while General Smuts, the leader of the South African Party - the party of the industrial bourgeoisie, which has shed a lot of blood during its regime, - was busy making speeches in England on the African question the black masses were making themselves heard. 

The centre of the agitation was in the city of Durban. At that time the Industrial and Commercial Union started a boycott on the Municipal Native beer-halls. The movement led to raids upon these beer-halls and severe reprisals from the officials, aided by white fascist bands. At the time of these happenings I was in Cape Town, where the masses were agitating against the attitude of the government and their black and white agents. As a result of this campaign myself and four other comrades were arrested under the excuse that we were promoting hostility between the Europeans (the capitalists - Ed.) and the Natives, under the Native Administration Act. However, before the court all the other comrades were acquitted. I was the only one who was found "guilty" and was given 18 months suspended sentence.

What is "good behaviour" for the imperialists? Submitting to their bloody oppression. Following these beer-hall riots, the Government introduced a bill