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North Africa in Revolt.

All North Africa is also reported in revolt against the mass misery and starvation which is becoming ever more intense by reason of the deepening agrarian crisis. It is reported that in French, Italian and Spanish North Africa, European troops assisted by native contingents drawn from other sections of Africa, are carrying on a bloody campaign in an effort to stem the widening revolutionary upsurge. 
     In Tunisia, a French Colony, desperate attacks have been made by the native tribes upon the European settlements.  The treacherous agreement made by Abd-el-Krim has been repudiated by the natives. 
    The Fascist Government of Mussolini is using tanks, heavy artillery, airoplanes and all the modern means against the African revolutionists.  The censorship is extremely rigid. Every attempt is being made to prevent news of the uprising filtering into other parts of Africa as this will inspire the natives of other sections to take up arms. 


    Among the colonies of American imperialism in the Caribbees where the workers are subjected to the most ruthless terror and oppression, Cuba looms most outstanding. With an industry mainly sugar producing, with thousands of workers, not only native Cubans, but a large percentage composed of Negro workers from the West Indian Islands, the working class of Cuba is met with savage repression and outright murder by president Machado and his henchmen, servile agents of American imperialism, when they show their determination to organize, unite and fight for improved conditions. 
    From nearly all the West Indian Islands, Negro workers emigrate to Cuba. The majority of them come from Jamaica, from which island many of them fled with the hope of escaping the cruel oppression of British imperialism. How often their hopes are dashed to pieces when they realize that American imperialism is equally as oppressive and tyrannical as British. 
     The great bulk of Negro workers of Cuba is employed on the sugar plantations. There, under the broiling sun, at times many of them dropping from sheer exhaustion, they toil from sunrise to sundown at wages of forty cents for every one hundred pounds of cane cut. Workers live in miserable hovels on these plantations.  Many are the victims who have fallen prey to disease while making profits for the imperialist oppressors, and their bloody agents of the Machado regime. 
     Lured by the lying propaganda of the plantation owners of Cuba, Negro workers come from Barbadoes, St. Vincent, Trinidad, St. Lucia, Grenada, and other West Indian Islands. Cuba is not the only colony of American imperialism in the Caribbean where the Negro workers find a life of hell.  In Panama the oppression and persecution is intense; in Columbia, under the domination of the United Fruit Company, they live a life of misery and torture; while in Honduras, Guatemala, and San Salvador, a vicious situation exists. In Haiti, where the American imperialists have replaced Borno with an equally servile tool, Vincent, the bloody massacres of hundreds of Haitian workers and peasants in December 1929 are still fresh in the minds of the toilers. In Venezuela, under the ruthless oppression of the Gomez regime for the past twenty years, and in the islands under British rule,


a savage reign of terror exists. The island of Trinidad where the Negro workers are brutally exploited was declared under martial law in 1914 during a strike of longshoremen and remained so for a considerable period.
     Against this cruel oppression of imperialism in the Caribbees, the Negro workers must join in solidarity with the East Indian and white workers and carry on a united struggle. The determination of the workers to organize is met with vicious repression from the imperialists and many revolutionary trade union leaders have been murdered by the oppressors.  In 1925, Henry Varona, outstanding revolutio- 

[[image]] Workers putting sugar cane on a wagon [[/image]]
[[caption]] Negro Workers on sugar plantation in Cuba [[/caption]]

nary trade union leader, was murdered by the Machado government.  In 1929, Julio Antonio Mella met the same fate in Mexico at the hands of the same butchers.  Sandalio Junco, one of the ablest Negro trade union leaders, was deported to Mexico by the Machado government, while hundreds of other workers have been arrested, thrown into jails, many of them are still suddenly disappearing - murdered. Seven workers have just been deported to Spain for their militant activities.
     The only way by which the Negro workers of the West Indies can hope to improve their standard of life is through organization and struggle.  They must begin to build trade unions on the principle of the revolutionary class programme.
     All West Indian workers and labor organizations in the Caribbean islands are invited to write to the International Trade Union Committee of Negro Workers, which will render them every possible assistance in developing their labor movement.